Wednesday, October 12, 2011

You Haven't Lived Until You've Had a Bison Drool on Your Lap

This is not a joke. I crossed an item off my list entirely today - visit the Ohio African Safari. It was amazing. I am proud of myself for accomplishing this for many reasons:

1) I drove one hour and fourty-five minutes, in the rain, on the turnpike. This means crazy traffic, 70mph, me behind the wheel. A few years ago this would have never happened, but after the trip to Miami I feel like I am a professional driver now.

2) I drove through the safari trail with animals, milling isn't quite the right word...completely CONVERGING on my vehicle. It's like a car wash with animals.

3) I had a bison's head in my car and I did not pee my pants. In fact, I was a bit jealous that the bison kept going to the passenger side and not coming to me - BOO.

So, this trip overall was amazing. Just me and my girlfriends, driving through three times. I'm not sure it is the intention of the wildlife staff that people drive through three times, but we kept buying food and going through. We wanted to make sure we fed every type of animal. And, there was a GIRAFFE. I love giraffes. The only disappointment was that it was drizzling the entire time, but it was a much better way to spend a rainy day than staying in bed all day long. So excited to cross something completely off the list - pictures will follow soon!