Sunday, September 18, 2011

Join a Book Club

Why is it that the books you "have" to read are always the last thing you want to read? One of my 30before30 is to join a book club, and my friends have supported me in creating our own book club. I figure I can use this as an outlet for accomplishing another goal of reading all the classics, however, our first book club book and one of my classics - Pride and Prejudice - is the last thing I am wanting to read right now. And it's not like there's another book on my shelf that I've been dying to dive into and Pride and Prejudice is holding me back, everytime I pick it up my own body does a collective UGH and I put it back down. The problem being, I don't pick up something else, I turn on the tv. Not a good alternative.

Also contributing to my procrastination is the fact that I read so quickly. Now, you'd think if I read so quickly I would just read it and get it over with, but no. No that's not how I work. Our book club meeting is sometime the week of October 9th, so I will be reading Pride and Prejudice October 1st...maybe 5th. I am a quick reader, but that doesn't mean I can't get some other classics crossed off my list in the meantime. Maybe I will dive back into The Awakening while I wait for my next load of dishes to soak..

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